You and Me is a full-integrated course which incorporates an extensive phonics, reading, writing and numeracy programme. Hello Jojo can be used by younger learners preparing to take the You and Me course.
English World is a visually stunning ten-level course which will take children through from Primary to Secondary
Gateway offers a perfect balance of the four language skills and enables students to think, reflect and react in the target language
English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom.
新版Talking Trinity(2011) 由英国Garnet Education出版社出版,该丛书专门针对三一口语1-6考试,适用2010-2013新考纲,给考生提供了很好的口语锻炼平台。Talking Trinity每个级别包含8个单元,每个单元集中训练考纲的一个主题。学生的听、说、语法和词汇能力都得到提高,额外还有备考指南。
New Pass Trinity has been updated to cover 2010-2013 Trinity syllabus. It is the ONLY complete series for Trinity exam preparation for grade 1-10 and ISE level 0-11.The New Pass Trinity course books provide seenetial practice in the English language and help to build students’communication skills.
The EARLYREAD series contains both original stories and traditional favourites, as well as some cultural readers, graded over five levels.
The reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach,where the text becomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explore historical background,culture connections and other topics suggested by the text.
This new series of graded readers is suitable for business students or professionals, The readers can be used by learners in class or for self-study to refresh and extend their existing business English. The series offers texts which become a springboard to vocabulary development and practice in the four skills for areas of Professional English. A wide range of activities give learners the confidence to apply the vocabulary they learn either to their area of study or working life.
EASYREADS are a range of full-colour, non-fiction graded readers; the subjects cover art, history, science, geography, biography and cultural studies.
QSE provides a rich resource of 4-skills practice, especially speaking, which can be used as topical supplementary material with any other course. Task-based learning activities including a wide range of pair and group exercises, drama, role plays, conversations, interactive tasks and presentations.