Enlish World is a visually stunning ten-level course which will take children through from Primary to Secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom.
Active whole class learning is supported by vibrant posters and interactive activities on the DVD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world, through dialogues and cross-curricular material. English World provides a complete package for today’s teachers and pupils.
- Informative, cross-curricular and cross-cultural content means that students learn about the world through English
- The stories, topics and projects promote social values and citizenship
- Learning to learn pages in the Workbook help pupils develop strategies such as scanning and thinking skills
- Dictionary for each level further promotes develops valuable strategies for later learning
- Projects and portfolios encourage independent learning and engage parents in the educational development of the children
该套教材共10个级别,适合小学到初中,免去了一些学校/培训中心小学初中使用不同教材而产生的差距。English World这套教材是我们Macmillan 出版社吸收了我们以往的所有教材的优点和使用者的反馈而倾注了非常大的心血开发出来的,这也将是我们近几年内最重量级的一套教材。
该套书每个级别都有Welcome unit,帮助学生在学习整个级别的之前掌握最基本的所需英文知识,每个单元内容设计充实紧凑,听说读写均有覆盖到,而且每个单元还专门有一部分加强phonics的内容,保证学生phonics循序渐进的提升。
学生:pupil's book,Workbook,Grammar Practice Book, Dictionary, Audio CD
老师:教师用书,poster,flashcards, 教师DVD(功能非常强大,包含了所有的语音录音、电子学生用Grammar practice book,Dictionary,phonics核心内容,还有学生用书对话的真人录像,Test builder,可以省去老师准备卷子的时间和精力。该DVD可以非常好的提升课堂的互动学习气氛)